Programming Club

Discover and Work with new Languages and Technologies​
Club Leader:

Uesli Laska, 2nd Year in Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Our mission is to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive community of passionate programmers, fostering creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning. We strive to empower our members with the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to excel in the ever-evolving field of technology (Python development, Java, IoT, Cloud etc.)

Are you a student who’s passionate about technology, eager to explore the endless possibilities of programming? Whether you’re a seasoned coder or just starting to dip your toes into the digital realm, our club is the perfect place for you.

Join us for a journey filled with:

  1. Learning Adventures: Dive into the fascinating world of programming with workshops, tutorials, and coding challenges designed to expand your knowledge and sharpen your skills. From the basics of Python to the intricacies of web development, there’s always something new to discover.
  2. Project Playground: Unleash your creativity and put your coding skills to the test in our project-driven environment. Collaborate with fellow members on exciting projects, from building mobile apps to creating websites that push the boundaries of innovation.
  3. Tech Talks and Workshops: Get inspired by industry experts and seasoned professionals who share their insights and experiences in our engaging tech talks and workshops. Explore emerging technologies, discuss trends, and gain valuable advice for your future career in tech.
  4. Hackathons and Competitions: Channel your competitive spirit and push your limits in hackathons and coding competitions. Put your problem-solving skills to the test, tackle real-world challenges, and showcase your talents on a global stage.
  5. Community and Connections: Forge lasting friendships with fellow tech enthusiasts who share your passion for programming. Connect with mentors, alumni, and industry contacts who can offer guidance and support as you navigate your academic and professional journey.
  6. Fun and Fellowship: Beyond coding, we believe in fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Join us for social events, game nights, and outings where you can relax, unwind, and bond with your fellow club members.

Whether you’re interested in software development, game design, data science, or cybersecurity, our club offers a welcoming space where you can thrive and grow as a programmer. Come join us and be part of our vibrant community!

Club Activities

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